Getting Started

Running Tests

To get familiar, run and take a look at the unittests.

Run all unittests (including fancy visual ones) using:

./testall -a

from the main directory.

Interactive Shell

Best practice is to use python as a module. to do so launch a python console:

>>> import openglider

if you have ipython installed, you can also run a graphical window, save input, reload,..:

ipython2 qtconsole
In [1]: import openglider

Next step is to create a glider, import a geometry file and modify:

>>>for rib in glider.ribs:
...    rib.aoa_relative += 3

Then, guess what, show the glider:

>>>import as graphics
>>>polygons, points = glider.return_polygons(midribs=4)
>>>graphics.Graphics(map(graphics.Polygon, polygons), points)

If you are not yet familiar with python, here is some places to start:


dive into python